26th January 2017 (Thursday) – took place the ‘American Day in Silesia’ conference - International Congress Centre, Katowice.
Guests of the event were diplomats, businessmen, investors, local government representatives and experts of economic life.
The programme of the meeting consisted of 2 panel discussions on the following subjects:
- USA after the elections. Chances, hopes and fears.
- USA-Poland economic cooperation.
and a networking part.
The conference was organized by the PTWP Group, the American Chamber of Commerce and the Regional Chamber of Commerce in Katowice.
We had the pleasure to participate in this interesting event.
#DzieńAmerykańskiNaŚląsku #DzienAmerykanskiNaSlasku #AmericanDay #gospodarka #economy #polityka #politics #dyplomaci #diplomats #biznesmeni #businessmen #inwestor #investor #inwestorzy #investors #investment #government #eksperci #experts #cooperation #USA #Trump #Polska #Poland #Silesia #Europe #AmCham #AmericanChamberOfCommerce #RIGKatowice #MCKKatowice